Gypsol Classic Liquid Flowing Screed
The benefits of liquid screed over traditional cement screed include better insulation, ease of installation, heightened performance, and quicker drying times. At Axtell we offer screed produced with LKAB Mineral’s high performance Gypsol Anhydrite binders for pumpable, self-smoothing floors. Gypsol Classic is our most commonly used solution in this range. It is a general-purpose screed, providing a multi-purpose solution for almost any application. Offering a smooth, flat, and level surface, Gypsol classic binder produces a flowing screed ideal for the vast majority of interior non-wearing applications, where a subsequent floor covering is to be used.
Gypsol Classic – A multi-purpose screeding solution
You can use Gypsol Classic Liquid Flowing Screed to produce a smooth, flat and level floor to form the sub-base for subsequent floor coverings on any internal floors, including:
• houses
• apartment schemes
• schools
• hospitals
• offices
Specially trained Screeders pump the screed into place using specialised equipment. This screed is our most popular screed. Notably, because it offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to cement-based screeds.