Gypsol Classic Liquid Flowing Screed

The benefits of liquid screed over traditional cement screed include better insulation, ease of installation, heightened performance, and quicker drying times. At Axtell we offer screed produced with LKAB Mineral’s high performance Gypsol Anhydrite binders for pumpable, self-smoothing floors. Gypsol Classic is our most commonly used solution in this range. It is a general-purpose screed, providing a multi-purpose solution for almost any application. Offering a smooth, flat, and level surface, Gypsol classic binder produces a flowing screed ideal for the vast majority of interior non-wearing applications, where a subsequent floor covering is to be used.

Gypsol Classic – A multi-purpose screeding solution

You can use Gypsol Classic Liquid Flowing Screed to produce a smooth, flat and level floor to form the sub-base for subsequent floor coverings on any internal floors, including:

• houses
• apartment schemes
• schools
• hospitals
• offices

Specially trained Screeders pump the screed into place using specialised equipment. This screed is our most popular screed. Notably, because it offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to cement-based screeds.


Axtell floor screed mixing pour from truck

Benefits of Using Liquid Screed

  • Less labour intensive than traditional sand screed applications
  • Self-levelling
  • Quicker drying times
  • Screed depth can be reduced increasing thermal efficiency
  • Ideal option for underfloor heating systems

Gypsol Classic Applications

  • Floating
  • Bonded
  • Unbonded
  • Underfloor Heating Systems

Gypsol Special Mix Screeds

  • Gypsol HTC. A high strength, high performance screed designed to enhance the thermal properties of underfloor heating.
  • Gypsol TS-15. Formulated to allow for laying at just 15mm deep.
  • Gypsol TS-20. Formulated to allow for laying at 20mm deep.
  • Gypsol XS. For use in projects that experience superior strengths and high loadings.
  • Gypsol TimBRE. For use over timber substrates
Axtell liquid floor screen pouring over under-floor heating pipes

Gypsol Classic Floor Screed Sustainability Credentials

Using Gypsol Screed for your project provides sustainability and environmental benefits including:

  • Low manufacturing carbon footprint
  • Low operating energy
  • Reduced lifetime impact
  • Low temperature underfloor heating
  • Safer to work
  • Low cost
  • Reduced waste
  • Low embodied energy

Axtell floor screed supplier Gypsol LKAB logo

Screed Delivery Services

Axtell has dedicated liquid screed trucks that will pour freshly mixed flowing liquid screed on site without any concrete contamination. Our screed trucks can deliver a range of high-quality floor screed across many locations throughout Surrey, West Sussex, and Hampshire.

Screed Delivery

The benefit of supply via volumetric screed trucks, is that you will only be required to pay for what you use.For more information on estimated requirements, use our screed calculator.

Whether you’re laying floor surfaces in a single or multi room construction project, Axtell can deliver a range of pumped screeds directly to site, in small or large quantities:

Axtell | Floor Screed Specialists

Axtell are the leading providers of liquid screed services across our areas of operation, with over 20 years of knowledge and experience, we have developed a customer-first approach allowing us to provide you with the highest quality of products and services, at the best prices. We are proud stockists of LKAB Gypsol screed products, of which are renowned for their impressive sustainability and environmental credentials in their sector.

Reach out to a member of the Axtell team today to get a quote to find out how we can help with your project requirements.

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Axtell concrete floor screed delivery truck and screed mixer